Saturday, November 22, 2008

Joey and Sherman's Day at the Vet

I had to bring 2 boys in to SWAH today. I was getting Joey neutered and Sherman was getting an abscess taken care of. Both came through just fine.

During Sherman's appointment, I mentioned meeting a "Hermaphrodite" rat and seeing one at the show with extra fingers. Dr. Surrency was going to be doing the neuter on my little boy later that day.

She called me after it was done. Turns out Joey had smaller than normal testicles and he had 3. They had to make an extra long incision so he is getting antibiotics but I thought that was odd and kind of ironic that we were talking about uniqueness such as this earlier.

While Joey was getting neutered, his cage mate Potter got to come with me today. We stopped by my office and visited people. And we freaked out our HR department. I brought him down to meet the VP of HR but she wasn't there and one of the supervisors was asking if I wanted to
leave a message. And just as I was about to answer, Potter poked his head out of my sweatshirt (he was on my shoulder between my shirt and sweatshirt). She jumped, and yelped..."OMG Kimber". Of course others were there to laugh at her--and she laughed at herself too. :-)
Potter just twitched his whiskers and then ducked back out of sight.

Ah well, everywhere else we went he was hugged and pet and cuddled.

We even popped into Quality Cages to make a payment on my order so he got more cuddles there too. He was so polite, he only peed on me.

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