Saturday, October 3, 2009

Worth Is Helped to the Bridge

Sadly I went in this morning to check on Worth, the last of the 4 baby boys in Vermin Village, he has needed extra help for some time now and it looks as if he finally was ready to go. He was helped to the bridge today at 12:30pm. He and his brothers were pretty spunky. They were the boys that gave me the idea of putting 2 cages together to make a bigger cage. They had 10 levels of fun. They used to take bits of paper and haul it around the cage and set them down and lay on it. Here is them with a paper plate. It was so cute. He was preceeded in death by his 3 brothers, Mosco, Baxter, and Rico. I have missed the group immensly and I know I'll miss Worth.

Have fun with your brothers little Worth!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

RIP Worth...

I hope you have many good memories of your handsome boy. They leave us all too soon.