Saturday, October 10, 2009

Versatile Large Deluxe Rat Cage

Why the Large Deluxe Rat Cage from Quality Cages (

Please note:  They do carry fully powder coated versions of these collapsible cages in both black and white.

I use the Large Deluxe Rat Cage from Quality Cages because they are the most versatile cage. I use the powder coated ones for rats, I use the collapsible one with a powder coated shelf, ramp and tray for hamsters, gerbils and with some modification dwarf hamsters and mice, and of course rats.

This cage also has extension pieces that you can purchase to make it bigger. I suggest no more than 3 extension pieces unless you are exceptionally tall. :) For a pair of rats, you can just use the top piece as that does meet the size requirements for a pair of rats. If you are indeed worried about the initial cost, you can purchase one piece at a time.

You've seen how many people decorate their cage for rats. For these cages, I put a Wobust Wodent Wheel to the left of the cage. I then put a hammock up and put cardboard tunnels and hides all over.

When I set it up for other animals, I do it completely different. For any other animals I might house in this cage at different times, gerbils, a Syrian hamster, mice or a dwarf hamster. I pretty much set it up the same way.

As the base pan on this particular Large Deluxe Rat Cage is 3" deep, I put Good Mews in the base of the pan. This draws the moisture out of the paper AND it controls odors. Then I use Eco Bedding (or in my case 1/4" strip shredded newspaper since I have a commercial shredder)

I use this cage for my Syrian hamsters hamsters (they each have their own of coures. The base pan is 3 inches deep. I use eco bedding (which is great for burrowing) or strip shredded newspaper (1/4" strips). I put Good Mews (paper pelleted litter) on the bottom, cover with folded newspaper and then put the hides and cardboard tunnels (you can get tubes free from fabric stores that sell home decorating fabric). Then I cover all of that with shredded paper or eco bedding. On the balcony, I put their food, access to water bottles and their wheel. They love the cage and it is easy for me to clean. I put a chinchilla dust container in every week or so for them to "bathe."

The cage wire is galvanized (the pan balcony and ramp is powder coated), so they don't chip the powder coating off the wire. Since the cage is bigger than what they've been in before (I adopted all of my hammies and/or gerbil) they don't chew on it so much but still.

I had purchased a 6 1/2" silent spinner for my Syrian hamsters and gerbils, but for 4 of the hamsters, I had to change it to the 8 1/2" comfort wheel because the hammies were too big. :)

As for the plastic tubes sold with most cages, I've got 3 Syrians that are too big to fit through them. :) My vet said that sometimes people aren't paying attention, the hammie gets stuck in a tube and they died due to stress. :*( I've adopted gerbils that were degloved because of the crappy plastic cages. I also find them a pain to clean and kind of a waste of money. Those plastic cages can only be used for some animals.

The upside with this cage is that if you later decide you'd like gerbils, or rats, this cage works for them as well. And you don't ever have to worry about your hammie escaping--unless you leave the door open. :) My cages I can use for gerbils, large species of hamsters and rats. If I line the cage with 1/4" x 1/4" wire, I can also use them for dwarf hamsters and mice--so the cage is an "investment" and has a higher resale value.

This cage also exceeds the minimum requirements for a hammie cage

It ships flat and the only assembly needed is using a Phillips head screw driver to attach the balcony.

Good luck!

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