Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Tickers Need Help & Tank and Mando Hijack the blog!

Our skin parent is taking a break from writing so I had Tank hop on the keyboard with me so we could enter our thoughts on this visiting the doctor business.

Mommy took us to the doctor to get our tickers rechecked. First, the nurse came and weighed us. It is so embarrassing that everyone knows our weight! We are now on heart medication for life. :( But hopefully with the medication, it will be a nice long life, so that is ok. Mommy is going to get our medications from nw compounders, The pharmacist there has a reputation for making our rattie medications taste good! And the medications get sent right to our door. (Damn, that sounds like the contact lens commercials.) We also like the fact they are a local company as our mommy likes to use local first.

Anyway, back to this doctor business. Ok, what is with that big metal cold thing being pressed to us? Please. It is so cold! Blow on it first! Oh all right, maybe it isn't that cold, but can't you imagine us thinking that? ::sigh:: [This typing is hard work! Between our 8 paws and 2 noses and keeping ourselves from swatting each other with our tails...] I myself have to say the scritches are nice. And the doctor is very gentle with us so maybe it isn't such a bad thing.

It is good to be a rat in mommy's house. Me and my brothers finally moved into our multilevel cage. OMG!! It is 3 stories with hammocks and a wheel and an igloo and tunnels and balls and stuff stuff stuff! We are getting new chew toys soon too. Tank and his brother and friend Knick have been living in their new cage already. They have a single level divided cage. But I have 6 brothers in my family! The cool thing is my rattie Mom, Babs, and my sister, Tina, live in Tickle Tower which is just across the way, so we can call each other whenever we want. Mommy adopted me and my brothers (Mommy calls us snowballs), my sister and mother last year from a nice lady in St. Helens. We were an accidental litter due mistaken gender of Babs when "he" was purchased from a feed store as a friend to our rattie Papa. But no matter, we are ok.

Uh oh, Mommy, just came in. Humph! She thinks we are going to pee on her laptop.

Off we go...........

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