Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joy and Holly Transport

We braved buffeting winds to get to get to The Dalles to transport 2 little rattie girls to their new home in Portland. It snowed in The Dalles this morning, but the roads were clear. It was a pretty drive and was only marred by our car's whistiling due to the wind. Luckly it didn't last the whole way otherwise I swear we would have returned to the Chevy dealership and demanded a car that didn't try to whistle...badly and out of tune. :-)

The 2 little girl ratties were so cute. They explored the tricked out carrier I had set up for the trip.

Our trip back seemed to go a lot faster than getting out there. We dropped the little girls at their new home in Portland and headed to the Oregon Humane Society to pick up Tweek and Zelda's remains. :*(

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