Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vet Visit for the Guardians of Vermin Village

Black Friday we took our 4 kitties and 2 ratties to the vet.  The kitties went for their annual and the rattie, well, we needed some A/D cat food to help him put on some weight.  (We brought the ratties Sooki and Rose.)

Majah has a dental appointment in about 10 days for getting his teeth cleaned and 2 teeth pulled.  Poor little guy.  (We get their teeth cleaned about every other year but Majah's are pretty bad.)  This might be why he has been throwing up because he doesn't really chew his food, which may also be why his back teeth are covered with tarter because he hasn't been chewing.

Gadget got his butt shaved.  Both he and Deemka will go in on the same day to get shaved completely.

Padjar, his skin condition is ok.  He got an extra shot.  We are going to transition into a new cat food this week to see if that will help.

Otherwise, everyone is doing fine!


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