Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lady Fu, Chip and Dip

3 hamsters have joined Vermin Village. Lady Fu is Chip and Dip's mother. A good friend adopted the other 2 children from her litter.

Lady Fu is a large fuzzy Teddy Bear hamster. She actually looks a combination of a teddy bear and a golden variety. The two children I have both look more like golden hammies. The other two that my friend adopted looked like their mother.

Lady Fu is so named because EVERY time you go to pick her up, even if awake, she adopts a defensive stance. I call it her Kung Fu pose; therefore she is Lady Fu.

Her children are still so tiny. While they all need more socialization, they are such adorable little syrians that it reminds me of the tea set in Beauty and the Beast film by Disney. Therefore they are Chip and Dip. They are VERY active. Right now they will continue to live together until the 22nd. Then they will be separated.

Welcome Lady Fu, Chip and Dip.

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