Monday, December 15, 2008

Cages and Vet Care News

Ok. I couldn't wait to post, but I am charging the camera. The new cages are UP and they are freaking awesome! I'm still missing 3 cages so I have 3 old ones still in use but the rest are up and OMG. Pull out trays, lots of space, removable ramps, full floors on each level, ability to separate levels, each level pulls apart with a spring clip for easy cleaning. There are no balconies with wire to worry about. It is just so awesome.

As for vet care, a well qualified rat vet will be coming to my home to provide general health care from now on. I'm so excited. For advanced care, they'll continue to go to the vet's office (surgeries, et cetera). This is such an awesome option. I'm so glad! Less stressful for the little guys for the general health checks.

So all in all, it has been a fruitful week.


dreameyce said...

When I win the lotto, I'm sooooo ordering those custom cages for all my kiddos. I'll have to go drool at yours someday!!

That's really great your vet is able to do house visits. Really helpful!

I'm expecting pics soon ;) heehee

calliopemjm said...

Thanks again for allowing me the oportunity to meet with you and buy some of your old cages! I cant believe the difference between them and the Martins, they are so much better! I will only ever buy Quality cages from now on! I hope they have the rest of your new cages ready soon!

Dream Mtn Rattery