Tuesday, July 15, 2008


It is with great sadness I announce the passing of Dumbo. The other Peacemaker. I'm glad that Eddie, his cage mate, is now bonded with the three other cage mates, Chester, Drape, and Diego.

Whatever Hades had, it appeared that Dumbo had the same symptoms which to me means it wasn't cardiac, but something else. None of the other ratties in the cage even appear ill. I am hoping it stays that way.

Dumbo was such a sweet boy. He was a little more reserved than his cage mate, Eddie, but he soon came out of his shell and loved nothing more than being picked up and cuddled.

I'm so upset as he was just with his rattie friends when he passed today.

His remains are now awaiting transportation to OHS for private cremation.

Goodbye my little Dumbo, your cheerful personality will be sorely missed.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hades earned the nickname the Peacemaker a few weeks ago. Between him and Dumbo, their calm and loving personalities made the introduction of all 6 boys, Hades, his cage mate Diego, Drape and his cage mate Chester, and Dumbo and his cage mate Eddie go real smooth. Every time something started, either Dumbo or Hades was there to break it up.

Hades was a pink-eyed, white (PEW). He was over a year old (as he was adopted, I'm never sure of their ages).

It is with great sadness that I had to put Hades to sleep this evening. He and his brother Diego came here this fall. He and Diego were just introduced to Dumbo, Eddie, Chester and Drape. They had just moved into their new house, Tickle Terrace. Two days ago I noticed Hades looked lethargic as he reclined in one of the hammocks. Pulling him out I felt he would be best if I kept a real close eye on him so he came downstairs...so I could see which way the wind was blowing with him. He didn't really seem sick, he just seemed a bit "off." But they are so damn good at masking things. I got home today and I knew exactly what was wrong although I tried to deny it. I made an appointment to see if anything would help.

Apparently he had suffered some type of cardiac event. I had a few options but he looked so miserable and I swore after Mr. Chuckles death, in the middle of the night, I would never make them stay around just to make me feel better. I knew when I went to the hospital how he might come home.

I had the wonderful folks at Rock Creek Veterinary Hospital follow Debbie D's recommendation for putting ratties to sleep and he passed peacefully. I wrapped him in his blue blanket and brought him home. His remains will be taken for private cremation at OHS.

Before he passed, I whispered in his ear...that he would see his family that has already passed and friends at the bridge that were former residents would be waiting to play with him. I would take good care of his brother until he too needed to make the journey. He sighed.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jack the Gerbil Left for the Bridge

Jack the Gerbil has passed. I don't always get to see him as he is very bad about coming out when I call him and he bites. So when I went to go and really stir him up, he didn't come out. I started take apart the cage and found he had passed. I wrapped him up and he is in the freezer awaiting cremation. Poor little guy. He was about to get moved to a really nice cage, although he probably preferred the one he was in because he had LOTS of tunneling.

At least he had a comfortable life. He was sorely neglected in his original home. He lived in one of those damn critter trails and was not carefully monitored. He had a section of his tail missing.

Goodbye Jack the Gerbil. Hopefully you are enjoying sand baths at the bridge.