Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merriweather and Ruby

Merriweather and Ruby snoozing in their Little Mischief Rescue hippo print hammock. Ruby was the rattie girl that some jerk tied in a plastic bag with cigarette butts and ashes and threw in the dumpster. Thankfully she was rescued by a nice family that took care of her until she found a home.

Merriweather was purchased as snake food and the snake wasn't hungry that day. So she was listed on Craigslist. Thankfully a friend was able to pick her up. It was a good thing as Merriweather is exceptionally sweet. Her and Ruby took a few days, but obviously they get along just fine.

Merriweather is scheduled to be spayed on Thursday, January 7th, and she'll eventually move in with Junior, an intact male. Ruby will be spayed next month and eventually join them. Ruby does need more socialization so she will be moving upstairs into the bathroom (captive audience).

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