Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bedding and Litter 2014

I've made some changes here to the bedding used in critter cages.

Rats typically get Native Earth Shredded Aspen Bedding.  I purchase this from  They have it for a fairly good price and I buy enough to get free shipping.

Gerbils and hamsters get Clean and Cozy that I purchase from  As of this writing they have the best price.  2 cubic feet for $29.99.  I also use Eco-bedding or strip shredded news paper for their burrows. used to carry the eco-bedding for the best price, but they no longer do so we are trying to find a good source for that.  Of course I can always shred newspaper in the papernator.

Mice get good mews with a little Eco Bedding and Clean and Cozy to use as nesting material.

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